21-24 May 2024 Paris (France)

Registration, submission and payment > Instructions

First step: registration

Prior to any submission, registration is mandatory.

  • If you already have an account on one of the CCSD web platform (Sciencesconf.org, Sciencescall.org, HAL ou Episciences), please Login (in the top right-hand corner of the page) and go to 'My Registration'.
  • If you do not have an account, please go to the Registration page; you will register and create your account at the same time.

Please note that you will be asked to register to the DDFIW2024 workshop and to the LPI satellite meeting independently.

Participation without contribution (oral or poster) is allowed. Once registered, please go directly to the 3rd step.

Second step: submission

Please use the provided abstract template, dowloadable here (.docx).

Once your abstract written in the adequate format, login and go to the page Submission. You will receive confirmation of your submission by email; the message will include the ID of your contribution, to be saved.

Third step: payment

The payment page is open till May 13, 2024. Please note that, if no payment is received before deadline, participation (and submission) will be cancelled.


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